List of products by manufacturer > ProRhinel

ProRhinel is a trademark of the GlaxoSmithKline laboratory. ProRhinel is a range of nasal hygiene that is aimed at the whole family, which aims to recall the essential gestures to treat the baby's congested nose (ProRhinel Mouche Bébé), cold or nasopharyngitis (ProRhinel Spray Nourrissons-Jeunes Enfants, ProRhinel Spray Enfants-Adultes, ProRhinel Spray Adultes Jet Tonique), nasal congestion in cases of colds and rhinosinusitis (ProRhinel Extra Eucalyptus), and for nose care (ProRhinel Hygiène du nez à l’Aloe Vera Enfants/Adultes).

11 products
11 products