For your safety all your payments by credit card are processed through the protected site of Ingenico Ogone which guarantees you total safety.
No information regarding your credit cards is known to our site. At no time your card number will be known to us. All transactions are encrypted and protected with the SSL 3 (Secure Socket Layer) protocol, which has become a world standard and which is implemented by major Internet browsers. Ingenico Ogone is one of the leading European providers of services of electronic payment (Payment Service Provider - PSP) for the online business and remote sale, with more than 20.000 customers present in more than 35 countries. Ingenico Ogone is certified PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) by Visa and MasterCard. Ingenico Ogone is connected to more than 100 banks by certified interfaces and can thus process more than 40 international and local modes of payment such as Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Diners Club, as well as local methods of payment, including IDeal and Machtigingen with the Netherlands, Solo and Maestro U.K. in Great Britain, Bancontact/Mister Cash in Belgium, ELV and Giropay in Germany, Carte Bleue in France, etc. Payments via Paypal, as well as by wiring, are also accepted.