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SàRL The Parapharmacy
Limited liability company with a capital of 7500 €
2, rue Corneille
37000 TOURS
Registered by the Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés de TOURS (Indre-et-Loire, France)
SIRET 521 443 275 00024
EU VAT Intracommunity number FR70521443275
Represented by its manager Mr Franck JUSSEAUME
To contact us :
Postal address:
SàRL The Parapharmacy
2, rue Corneille
37000 TOURS
Hosting of the site provided by : OVH, 2 rue Kellermann, BP 80157,59053 Roubaix cedex 1, France.
Secure payment provided by : Ingenico Ogone via “payment by credit card” or “Paypal”. Your payments are made through the secure servers of our partners “Ingenico Ogone” or “Paypal”.
Thank you for reading carefully the entirety of the following conditions of use before accessing and using this website. The Conditions of Use defined herein aim at establishing the modalities of use and access of the website offered to Internet users by The Parapharmacy Company. This online sales Website is made available free of charge (except connection expenses to the site). Accessing and using this website implies the full and complete acceptance of the whole Conditions of Use. The present provisions must be understood without prejudice of applicable legal provisions. In the case you do not agree with the whole or parts of the Conditions of Use mentioned hereafter, please don’t use this website.
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Except for sites with illegal and/or religious, political, pornographic, xenophobic contents, you may create hypertext links to one of this website’s pages, providing always that such links access this website by opening a new browser’s window and are presented in an unambiguous way, in order to prevent any risks of confusion between the linking site and this website, as well as any partisan or illegal presentation.
The Parapharmacy Company reserves the right to modify and/or to delete without prior notice whole or part of the information or services offered by this Web site. The nullity in whole or in part of some of the present Conditions of Use provisions due to legal provisions or regulations or to court ruling, does not lead to the nullity of other provisions or parts of it which are not tarnished with nullity. Hereby, you admit that The Parapharmacy CompanyY reserves the right to transfer rights and obligations held from the present Conditions of Use to a third party of its choice, and no matter the form. You acknowledge to be informed about effective and existing rules and practices on Internet, in addition to various ethics codes available on Internet.
Users oblige themselves, during accessing or using this website, not to infringe on the legislation, rules, effective practices, lawful interests of third parties and of The Parapharmacy Company. In particular, users agree to respect: Rights inherent to the human being (such as right of publicity, right to privacy); trademark, copyright (especially on software, sounds, images, photos, texts, animated images) and artists’ and interpreters’ rights, producers of phonograms and videograms’ rights, “sui generis” rights of databases producers and generally rights of persons and property Law. Moreover, users agree not to interfere with or attempt to interfere with the proper working of this Web site or any activities conducted on this site, or to attempt to use it for purposes foreign to its goals. The users agree to respect the image and the reputation of The Parapharmacy Company and to refrain from any statements and/or actions detracting The Parapharmacy Company.
The present Conditions of Use are governed and interpreted in accordance with French law. In the event of disputes and after an attempt at an out of court settlement, the courts of Tours (France) will be the court of competent jurisdiction for any litigation.
What is a cookie ?
A cookie is a small file located on the hard disk of your computer during your first visit to a website.
What are cookies for ?
These cookies are used primarily to identify you when you connect to our site and allow us to know the products you look at and buy on our site. We can also detect the settings of your browser. With all this information, we can customize your visit by showing you content that may interest you based on your visit history.
What are the cookies used on ?
Navigation cookies
Browsing cookies are cookies that are necessary for the proper technical operation of the site They optimize the display of content from your device.
Functional cookies
These cookies are not essential for the proper functioning of the site but they optimize your experience on our site. They allow us, for example, to identify you in the case where you have chosen the option to be recognized each connection to no longer having to enter your credentials. In case you have added items in your basket, these cookies allow us to find your basket as you left it when you closed your session without finalizing your order.
Analytical Cookies
These cookies allow us to track your navigation for optimization purposes. The information collected includes the number of visitors, the source and detail of the pages visited. This information helps us make improvements to our site, the shopping experience and our campaigns.
Marketing and direct targeting cookies and third-party cookies
These cookies allow us to send you commercial messages that may interest you through your browsing history. Third-party cookies are those sent to you by trusted third-party partners. These cookies allow us to present you our commercial offer on other affiliated websites (retargeting). Regarding third party cookies, we do not control the information provided by the cookie nor do we have access to such data. This information is fully controlled by third-party companies in accordance with the details provided in their policies.
How to set / delete cookies ?
By default Internet browsers are usually set to accept cookies.
You can easily change your browser settings:
- If you access our site from Internet Explorer by clicking here
- If you access our site from Google Chrome by clicking here
- If you access our site from Safari by clicking here
- If you access our site from Firefox by clicking here
However, in case your browser is set to refuse cookies, some of the essential features of our site could not work: product purchases, browsing our personalized website ...
Learn more about cookies
For more information on cookies, visit the website of the National Commission for Computing and Freedoms accessible at the following address: /cookies/